Introduction Last updated: 2025-02-12

Welcome to Umbria! This documentation page contains comprehensive documentation of the Umbria DeFi ecosystem. If you are just starting with Umbria, we recommend reading up on the Protocol Overview or FAQ first.

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Protocol Overview

The Umbria ecosystem has two major protocols:

  1. A Cross-chain Asset Bridge; enabling the transfer of assets between otherwise incompatible blockchains and cryptocurrency networks.
  2. A Staking Pool, where users can earn fees on their crypto-assets by providing liquidity to the bridge.

Liquidity Provision

Users can provide liquidity to0 the Narni Bridge.

The Narni bridge requires a user to deposit only one kind of ERC-20 token, to earn fees when other users bridge their assets across chains. 0


You can provide liquidity to the Narni Bridge.

Bridge Liquidity

Liquidity providers can provide liquidity to the Umbria Narni Bridge and earn fees on their crypto assets.

The Umbria Narni Bridge enables the cross-chain migration of users' assets between two networks by holding liquidity on both networks. The bridge mechanism receives an asset "with one hand" on the starting network and "gives with the other hand" to the same wallet address on the provided network. This enables certain types of cross-chain transactions which would otherwise be rendered impossible by constraints imposed by network validators, namely cost and speed. The Narni bridge negates these cumbersome elements by calling on user-provided asset liquidity on the various networks, while still maintaining the cryptographic assurances of an oracle.

Users can provide liquidity to the Narni bridge, and earn fees on their assets whenever anyone bridges their assets between cryptocurrency networks. Users only need to provide liquidity for one asset at a time to earn fees.

Whenever someone bridges assets between two cryptocurrency networks using the Umbria Narni Bridge, the liquidity providers of that asset receive their share of a 0.2% fee.

Liquidity providers can remove their liquidity at any time from the network to which they provided the asset. The user must pay the transaction fee for the bridge to return their asset to them. Users do not need to harvest manually, fees from their pooled liquidity is automatically added to their staked liquidity every five minutes. When a user removes their liquidity from the pool, they automatically harvest.

Users can send their liquidity to the Narni bridge through the website, or send the funds directly to the appropriate Liquidity Address. Each liquidity address represents the liquidity pools for each bridge.

  • Ethereum/Matic bridge pool: 0x18C6f86ee9f099DeFe10b4201e48B2eF53BeAbd0
  • Ethereum/Binance Smart Chain bridge pool: 0x862F84A7cD54c8EDF1aFc98a7a676B1eA6A27Df5


Umbria introduced farming as an incentive to provide liquidity to the Umbria DEX. Whenever a user adds liquidity to the DEX, they receive a liquidity provision token (LP Token), which acts as a receipt and can be used to redeem the underlying assets. Users can stake the certain LP tokens in a system known as Farming, to earn bonus UMBR tokens every block.


You can farm UMBR by staking your UMBR-MATIC LP tokens in the Umbria MATIC Farm or by staking your UniV2-UMBR-ETH LP tokens from Uniswap in the Umbria Ethereum Farm.

Entering The Farm

Users automatically start farming UMBR when they stake their LP tokens in the respective farm. Users pay a small network fee for interacting with the farm and adding their LP tokens. The assets will earn UMBR every block until the user removes their LP tokens. The LP tokens are still earning fees on the underlying assets while being staked in the farm.


The UMBR accrued by staking the LP tokens in the farm is increased every block. A user can choose to harvest the UMBR they have earned by pressing the Harvest button in the farm, and paying a network fee to interact with the smart contracts which underpin the farm.

Exiting the Farm

When a user exits the farm, they automatically harvest the remaining UMBR earned for providing the LP tokens. The user can enter and exit the farm at any time, but must pay the network fee for interacting with the underlying smart contracts.


Umbria provides a connection portal to connect your Metamask wallet to any EVM compatible chain. This enables quick wallet configuration for ease of use, when dealing with multiple assets across chains.


You can connect to any EVM compatible chain using the Connect Portal.

Connect Portal

Users can use the Connect Portal to connect their Metamask wallet to any EVM compatible network

The Umbria Connect portal provides an easy-to-use network connection interface for every major EVM compatible chain. By using the connect portal, users can quickly configure their wallet to interact with their assets on the desired network, without having to manually configure RPC connections. The connect portal also provides useful information regarding the connected chain, such as chainID and a link to the network's native blockchain explorer, if such an explorer exists.

Supported Chains

You can find a JSON encoded list of all supported networks / chains here.

Cross-Chain Bridge

The Umbria Narni bridge is a cross-chain asset bridge, enabling the migration of assets between cryptocurrency networks. Users can seamlessly move their assets across chains using the Narni bridge's liquidity bridging model. Bridging is incredibly quick and incurs extremely low fees in comparison to validator-driven bridges.


You can migrate your assets across chains using the Umbria Narni Bridge.

Bridging Assets

The Narni bridge supports a distinct set of assets on a distinct set of networks.

polygon logo POLYGON MAINNET
ethereum logo ETHEREUM MAINNET
binance smart chain logo BINANCE SMART CHAIN
electroneum logo ELECTRONEUM
avalanche logo AVALANCE
arbitrum logo ARBITRUM
optimism logo OPTIMISM

You can bridge the above assets across networks using the Narni bridge.

Bridge Pool

Users can provide asset liquidity to the Narni Bridge Pool, and earn high interest on their assets whenever someone bridges between cryptocurrency networks. The bridge uses liquidity supplied by liquidity providers to facilitate asset migration (bridging) across networks. Whenever bridging occurs, liquidity providers earn their share of a 0.2% bridging fee, while liquidity providers of the UMBR token earn their share of a 0.3% bridging fee. Liquidity providers can provide a single asset to the bridge, and earn interest in the asset they supplied. Stakers of UMBR tokens earn interest in all of the assets supported by the bridge.

New assets will be added to the bridge, and new liquidity pools with distinct APYs will become available over time. Assets that are frequently bridged accrue higher fee generation for the liquidity providers and UMBR stakers.

The Umbria bridge pool is a no-impermanent-loss pool; liquidity providers do not lose part of the up-side if the value of the staked assets increase.

Bridge Harvesting

Users do not need to manually harvest the rewards for providing liquidity to the bridge. The bridge automatically adds rewards to the staking balance every five minutes.

Users will accrue the rewards of their liquidity provision on the destination network of a bridge migration. For example, if a user bridges from the Ethereum network to the MATIC network, a liquidity provider will receive their reward on the MATIC network.

Bridge Widget V2


The Bridge Widget V2 enables partners of Umbria to earn 0.1% of all bridging volume that comes through their widget.

Bridge Widget V2

The Bridge Widget V2 is an integratable cross-chain bridge widget. It enables projects to seamlessly provide bridging functionality, from within that project's website and UX flow. The Bridge V2 widget also generates revenue for its integrators by awarding them 0.1% of all bridging volume that passes through their bridge widget. The bridge widget is designed to be as easy as possible to integrate, so integration is as simple as adding an HTML <iframe> tag to web page, with some optional configuration parameters in the src attribute URL.

The Bridge Widget V2 supports all bridges that are currently deployed by Umbria, and is configurable, such that a pre-selected bridge and asset can be set when the user lands on the page. Much like other Umbria bridge formats, the bridge widget can be used with Metamask, or by requesting a QR code, to which funds can be sent - initiating the bridging process.

How to Integrate

Bridge Widget V2 refferer ids are given to projects on an ad hoc basis. You will need to apply to partner via the form and a member of the Umbria team will promptly reach out to you.

The Bridge Widget V2 can be added using a simple html <iframe>.

Note that the iframe must be served on a website that uses https, otherwise most browsers will block it due to mixed content rules.

<iframe src="" width="960" height="600" scrolling="no"></iframe>

There are a couple of configuration options that can be added to the src attribute of the <iframe> to automatically select the bridge and the asset, when the user lands on the page:

How to Pre-Select a Bridge

The bridge widget can be pre-configured to select a specific bridge when the user lands on the page. This is to remove extra steps for the user. It is configrued by adding a GET parameter on the end of the src attribute. The value of that attribute is based on which network the user should start and end on.

Below are a list of options:

Start Network End Network Entire URL
Ethereum Polygon
Ethereum Binance Smart Chain
Ethereum Avalanche
Ethereum Fantom
Ethereum Arbitrum
Start Network End Network Entire URL
Polygon Ethereum
Binance Smart Chain Ethereum
Avalanche Ethereum
Fantom Ethereum
Arbitrum Ethereum

How to Pre-Select an Asset

The bridge widget can be pre-configured to select a specific asset when the user lands on the page. This is to remove extra steps for the user. For an asset to be pre-configured, a specific bridge must also be specified. Some bridges do not support some assets, so it is necessary to specify both the bridge and the asset together.

Asset GET parameter Example
Ethereum / Wrapped Ethereum (ETH / WETH) eth
USD Coin (USDC) usdc
Tether (USDT) usdt
Polygon (MATIC) matic
Umbria Governance Token (UMBR) umbr
Aavegotchi Token (GHST) ghst
Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) wbtc


The Bridge Widget V2 dashboard is available to those who have integrated the bridge widget in their website. It can be used to track earnings and other metrics through their bridge widget. To access the dashboard, you must already have received your referrer id, otherwise you will be unable to connect to the dashboard.

To open the dashboard, connect to the page via the metamask wallet which you specified during the referrer id creation process.

Reward Scheme

You are rewarded immediately every time someone uses your bridge widget to bridge assets between networks. The earnings are paid in the asset which is used to bridge. For example, if someone bridges USDC from Ethereum to Polygon, you are paid in USDC on the Polygon network.

The earnings are added to your staking balance in the pool page. This is so your bridge widget rewards earn even more APY over time, by acting as liquidity in the system, until you are ready to redeem them. To redeem your earnings, press the Unstake button of the chosen asset, on the chosen network in the pool page

You can see an itemised breakdown of your earnings in the dashboard page.


Total Earnings

Currency Earnings $$$
ETH 2.02000050 ETH $4040.00 USD
USDC 766.00495717 USDC $766.00 USD
USDT 89.12955620 USDT $89.13 USD
MATIC 1080.88840022 MATIC $1377.92 USD
UMBR 129.17772393 UMBR $492.70 USD
GHST 12.11111000 GHST $30.40 USD
wBTC 0.01339229 wBTC $407.49 USD

Bridge API


Connect to the Umbria Bridge API endpoint:

Bridge API

The bridge API can be used by developers to integrate asset migration functionality into their application. The API provides a way to query the state of current asset bridging, and a way to migrate assets via an RPC.

The bridge can operate independently of the API, due to the nature of the bridge nodes. A user can send assets to the bridge without querying the API to make sure the bridge can support the migration. If the bridge cannot support the migration, it sends the funds back to the original address, less the cost of the network fee for returning the funds. The API simply provides assurances that the asset migration will be, is being, or has been completed.

Note: Native assets (such as Ether on the Ethereum blockchain) do not have a contractAddress/tokenAddress. For API consistency, you can reference to Ether as 0xETH, Matic as 0xMATIC, BNB as 0xBNB etc.

Get Number of Liquidity Providers

Get the number of liquidity providers for a particular asset on a single network


Example Call:


Example Result:


Get Staked

Get the unharvested rewards of an address for a particular asset on a single network


Example Call:


Example Result:


Get Harvest Nonce

Get the nonce value required to sign the transaction for removing liquidity


Example Call:


Example Result:


Verify Harvest Signature (Unstake)

Unstake liquidity by verifying ownership of the wallet address


Example Call:


Example Result:


Get APY All

Get the APY (annual percentage yield) for all assets on a single network


Example Call:


Example Result:


Get Staked

Get the volume of liquidity currently provided by an address, for a particular asset on a single network


Example Call:


Example Result:


Get TVL All

Get the total value of locked liquidity currently provided for all assets on a single network


Example Call:


Example Result:


Get Availability

Check the availability of the api


Example Call:


Example Result:


Get Transaction Info

Get the currenct status of a Narni Bridge transaction


Example Call:


Example Result:

{"tokenAddress":"0xETH","blockhash":"0x288c54b29dae03f38e01cba5ccc73f6aeeb7584a5d835bf452a12388107bf2cb","bridgetxhash":"0x8cf2e57af080e6aa71da29b13266e9a90709cc58eaf112a160db5e4c7e2a8f4c","fromaddress":"0x7F61eF56Cd4D1a827C1Fee710C9df46aD7395E82","amount":"15000000000000000","asset":"ether","asset_sent":1,"time":"2022-01-07 14:44:23","error":""}

Get Available Liquidity All

Get the amount of liquidity available for a single transaction in each asset on each network


Example Call:


Example Result:


Get Available Liquidity

Get the amount of liquidity available for a single transaction in each asset on each network


Example Call:


Example Result:


Get Network Fee

Get the network fee cost for the bridge transaction


Example Call:


Example Result:




Here are some useful guides and tutorials to help you get the most out of Umbria

How to bridge ETH from Ethereum to Avalanche (AVAX)

How to bridge ETH from Ethereum to Polygon (MATIC)

How to bridge ETH from Polygon (MATIC) to Ethereum

How to bridge ETH from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

How to bridge ETH from Binance Smart Chain (BSC) to Ethereum

How to connect MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Ethereum, Avalanche — any network — easily

Cheap, Fast and Easy Bridging of ETH on Umbria Network

Cheap, Fast and Easy Bridging of MATIC (Polygon) on Umbria Network

Bridging ETH from Ethereum to Polygon; how do blockchain bridges vary?

Cheap and Fast Bridging of $USDC with Umbria Network’s Narni Bridge